Daffodils are a true symbol of spring, bringing vibrant color and cheer to gardens with their early blooms. Known for their classic golden yellow hue, they also come in a variety of other colors.

Daffodils are a beloved sign that spring has arrived. As snowdrops and crocuses fade, daffodils emerge to brighten gardens with their cheerful blooms. While best known for their iconic golden yellow color, daffodils are also available in a range of other vibrant hues, making them a versatile and joyful addition to any outdoor space.


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Daffodils are very popular around Easter. The daffodil is considered a classic Easter flower, both in full flower and as a bulb. The reason is that the daffodil is seen as a symbol of new beginnings and rebirth. The daffodil also symbolises respect. When given as a gift, the number of daffodils signifies how much respect the giver has for the recipient. The more daffodils, the greater the respect.


The daffodil family includes about 35 different species. They are available with small and large trumpets, and there are even double-flowered daffodils. Daffodil bulbs belong to the same family as amaryllis. With their bright colours, they turn any bare and dull spring garden into a feast for the eyes! Daffodils are strong, resilient flowers that emerge year after year. Golden yellow daffodils are particularly popular, but there are many others as well as lesser-known colours. Examples include cream, white, two-tone and pink.

Cut flowers

As a cut flower, daffodils are atmospheric, colourful and have a long vase life. They are scent-free and gorgeous on their own, but daffodils can also be combined with other flowers. However, this can only be done if the daffodils have been in their own vase for several hours. This is because daffodil stems secrete mucus in the water that is harmful to other flowers. After they have been separated, you can combine them with other flowers, even after the stems have been cut again!


Daffodil bulbs are the ultimate spring bulbs. They are cheerful, low-maintenance and fantastic naturalisers. No garden is complete without daffodils. For indoors, daffodil bulbs are also popular, and look lovely in a nice pot!
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