Learn how careful disbudding transforms a spray chrysanthemum into one powerful bloom, featuring the exceptional Couture and Alemani cultivars along with creative ideas.

Discover the fascinating world of spray chrysanthemums, where precision and nature combine to create a single, stunning bloom. In this post, learn how, after seven weeks of careful disbudding, all but one flower is removed from a stem, giving that lone blossom the chance to grow into a large, powerful bloom. We’re excited to highlight two exceptional cultivars—Couture and Alemani—and offer you a generous dose of creative inspiration for using these flowers. Enjoy the read!

Disbudded chrysanthemums throughout the year

In the past, disbudded chrysanthemums were mainly an autumn flower. Over the past fifteen years, they have become a product that is sold all year round. The growers take account of the seasons in terms of colours: in the autumn we see a lot of shades of orange and brown, while there is more focus on shades of pink in the spring.


At the end of 2021, grower Arcadia Chrysanten presented the latest disbudded chrysanthemum: Couture. A dark pink chrysanthemum that is inspired by haute couture, the top segment in fashion. This is a real eyecatcher with a unique colour. Couture’s large double flowers and the twisted heart lend it a chic look. The grey on the underside of the petals gives an exceptional effect. With strong stems and long vase life, Couture offers everything to steal the show.


The Alemani fits perfectly with the green trend whereby we are bringing nature into our homes. Botanical prints, a collection of green houseplants and an abundance of natural materials. The green, large-flowered disbudded chrysanthemum Alemani fits perfectly with this trend. It has strong stems and a long vase life. Top quality for use in any arrangement or bouquet! This disbudded chrysanthemum is grown by Zentoo.

Couture chrysanthenum

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Alemani Chrysanthenum

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Uses of Alemani and Couture


We’re delighted to show you various arrangements and bouquets that incorporate Alemani and Couture. You can find more inspiration on our FlowerFriends page - the community where you can be inspired by colleagues all over the world.

Chrysanthemum Cultivation

Want to find out how a flower like the disbudded chrysanthemums is produced? You can read about it in our blog about chrysanthemum breeder Deliflor and chrysanthemum growers Arcadia and Zentoo. We thereby take you on the journey from tiny chrysanthemum cutting to full flower.
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