Discover the fascinating world of spray chrysanthemums, where precision and nature combine to create a single, stunning bloom. In this post, learn how, after seven weeks of careful disbudding, all but one flower is removed from a stem, giving that lone blossom the chance to grow into a large, powerful bloom. We’re excited to highlight two exceptional cultivars—Couture and Alemani—and offer you a generous dose of creative inspiration for using these flowers. Enjoy the read!
In the past, disbudded chrysanthemums were mainly an autumn flower. Over the past fifteen years, they have become a product that is sold all year round. The growers take account of the seasons in terms of colours: in the autumn we see a lot of shades of orange and brown, while there is more focus on shades of pink in the spring.
Couture chrysanthenum
Alemani Chrysanthenum
Chrysanthemum Cultivation